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[E] TeenageDreamer
[E] TeenageDreamer
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over 8 years ago
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over 8 years ago
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Oh then I am really very sorry for this. I will fix it immediately and make sure it doesn't happen again! Can I be unbanned pleaaaase?
over 8 years ago
I really cannot remember intentionally griefing anyone <object class="emojione" data="https://resources.enjin.com/1489581540/themes/core/images/emojione/svg/2639.svg?0" type="image/svg+xml" standby=":(">:(</object> I have been on this server for a long time but haven't played in so long until recently. Is this grief quite recent? As I said, I'm very sorry for the grief I did and will fix it completely. Please can I be unbanned as I really enjoy the server and would love to continue playing.
over 8 years ago
============= Username: TeenageDreamer When you were banned : 29/07/2016 Person who banned you: ~Daed Reason you were banned: Griefing. I honestly cannot remember griefing anyone. If I have done so, I'm very very sorry!! I would never have done it on purpose and I will fix whatever it is that I griefed. Please can you unban me as I very much like the server and it is pretty much the only server I play on right now. Thank you! =============
over 8 years ago